Consultation of Art History Libraries The Netherlands

The Concert Art (Historical) Libraries The Netherlands * Art Libraries Society / The Netherlands (OKBN * ARLIS / NL) is a consultative body for institutions and individuals working in the field of library and documentary information services relating to visual arts and architecture.

The OKBN was founded in 1982 and has been an official association since 1996. The association now has more than 60 members, including libraries and documentation centers of several prominent scientific institutions in the field of art (history) and architecture. Among the participating institutions are the Royal Library, faculty and college libraries (from the faculties of literature and architecture of universities and academies of visual arts and architecture), museum libraries, art historical documentation centers, cultural institutions and archives.

The purpose of the OKBN is to promote contacts between its members, to contribute to further professionalization of library and documentary information management and to protecting the interests of the professional group. Ensuring the collection of materials on the (history of) visual arts and architecture at a professional and adequate level and, in continuation of this, encouraging the coordination of collective formation between members, are among the most important tasks of the OKBN. Literature Externe link
