John Cassian Pompeī

Joannes Cassianus Pompe (Utrecht, September 9, 1901 - Sint Pancras, April 15, 1945) was a Dutch pathologist, who first described, in 1932, the metabolic disease called Pompe's Disease.

After completing his studies at the University of Amsterdam, he graduated in 1936 with a doctor in medicine with his dissertation Cardiomegalia glycogenics about this metabolic disease, which would later be referred to him. Pompe was very infected and a faithful Catholic. During the Second World War he was arrested by the German occupier when an illegal channel was found in his laboratory in February 1945. After a bombing on a railway line in Sint Pancras, Pompe was fired as a retaliation, together with 19 others. Literature

G. A. Lindeboom: Dutch medical biography. A biographical dictionary of Dutch physicians and surgeons 1475–1975. Rodopi, Amsterdam 1984

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