The minimum minimum is the name given to a period (1645 to 1715), which shows very few sun spots. The period is named after the astronomer Edward Maunder, who made the discovery when he studied reports from that time. For example, in a period of 30 years, only 50 sun spots were observed, while usually between 40,000 and 50,000.
Teachers strongly believe that the climate on Earth is influenced by the number of sunspots. The Maunder minimum that occurred between 1645 and 1715 fell at one of the lowlights of the so-called "Little Ice Age", because in these periods very cold winters were reported. The sunflower cycle is reflected in the years that Elfstedentocht has passed. Due to the fact that in recent years the sunspots were unexpected or less numerous, the Maunderminimum phenomenon was again in interest.
It is reportedly even 10,000 years ago that the activity diminished so quickly. Solar physicists estimate the chance that the sun will return to a minimum of 40 per cent within 40 years. Also see