National Institute of Radio Elements

The National Institute of Radio Elements (National Institute of Radio-Éléments) is a laboratory in the Belgian Fleurus where medical radioisotopes are being processed.

At the end of August 2008, there was a leak of radioactive iodine, after which neighborhood residents were refused to consume vegetables from their own garden, rainwater or locally produced dairy products. The leakage is classified as INES 3 and was not detected by TeleRad.

On March 11, 2006, this company was also a scene of a nuclear accident. An employee was accidentally exposed to a Cobalt-60 source. Further investigation showed that the man was exposed to a very high radiation dose in the order of 4.4 to 4.8 Gy (gray). In principle, this dose is fatal in 50% of cases, but in 2007, the victim makes it reasonable. This accident is rated as INES 4. Externe link
