The Nijmegen Group is a Dutch local political party in the municipality of Nijmegen. In 2013, the party continued as a continuation of the City Party Nijmegen Now with two former members of the CDA and one former VSP councilor. The City Party Nijmegen Now was founded on April 27, 2009 by the merger of Nijmegen Nu and the City Party Nijmegen.
Nijmegen NowNijmegen Now, since 2001, has been active in the Nijmeeg municipality council. At the 2002 and 2006 municipal elections, the party gained one seat. Stadspartij (Leefbaar) Nijmegen
The Nijmegen City Party has been active in the Nijmegen City Council since 2002. The Stadspartij Leefbaar Nijmegen was a continuation of the Nijmeegse Greens, which was represented in the city council since 1994. After the 2002 elections, they left the word Leefbaar uit vredeloosheid met Leefbaar Nederland / LPF. The City Party lost two of the three seats at the 2006 municipal council elections. The party came to the news because they expressed the confidence in PvdA deputy Paul Depla around the so-called bicycle cellar affair in 2007. City party Nijmegen Now
On April 27, 2009, both parties continued as City Party Nijmegen Now. This was motivated by the fact that the only councilor of the City Party Nijmegen, Bea van Zijll de Jong-Lodenstein, remained in the council's personal capacity after having indicated that he wanted to go to the CDA. The programs of both parties are also close together. Also Just Nijmegen was approached to merge. The party sat with one seat in the Nijmegen Board. The Nijmegen Group
In the municipal elections in 2014, the Nijmeeg Group won two seats. Externe link