Pieter Dhondt (? - Machelen, November 1660) was a victim of the witchcraft in Europe. Captain of witchcraft
On November 23, 1660, Pieter Dhondt knew during and after his torture that he was the captain of a local witchcraft. Members of this sect were, according to his words, Joos Verpraet of Gottem, his lieutenant, Maeyken de Smet and Jacques van Steenbrugghe from Olsene and his 15-year-old son Jan, co-driver in Olsene. At Jan Dhondt the devil would have put a devil stitch on his back and he had also given him a red powder with which he had enchanted Joos Van den Putte's horse from Olsene. Pieter Dhondt died at the end of November 1660. Son Jan escapes
On behalf of lawyers of the Council of Flanders, the Machelen leenhof made a copy of the statements by Pieter Dhondt to the bald of Olsene. Jan Dhondt was arrested and questioned on 12 December. Renewed, he admitted that all his father's statements were correct. Surgeon Pieter Carijn from Kruishoutem examined Jan Dhondt and found a devil stitch on his right shoulder.
On January 5, 1661, the boy was again questioned about his relationship with the devil. One asked him where, when and how he had concluded a pact with the devil, what his devil was and whether he had been on a witch's night with his father. This time, Jan Dhondt, however, decisively denied any dealings with the devil. A new body examination, conducted by Ghiraldo Heland, a doctor in medicine from Oudenaarde, revealed that the boy was by no means drawn by the devil. On the advice of five lawyers, Jan Dhondt was released on bail on 13 January 1661. Also see