VARA-Visie was a Dutch television newsstand of VARA broadcast on Dutch television on the fixed VARA evening in 1978 and 1979.
The VARA wanted to merge existing current and consumer programs together with opinion and sport into one broad program that covered a range of topics, and the VARA showed its "vision" as it were. The existing programs Behind the News, King Client and the Ombudsman were integrated into the program.
The central presentation was in the hands of W.L. Brugsma, while the presenter of Behind the News, King Client and the Ombudsman provided the presentation of "their" subjects. Felix Meurders presented the sports subjects.
The program did not show the VARA what they expected of it and thus the program disappeared, leaving behind the News, King Client and the Ombudsman an independent program. Felix Meurders later became a presenter of the sports programs F.C. Evening Red and Football '80.