Willy Breebaart

Willy Breebaart (1937) is a Dutch director and scenario writer.

Breebaart sharpened in 1966 with Arthur Dreifuss and Dity Oorthuys the feature film 10:32, with starring Eric Schneider and Teddy Schaank. In the following years she participated in films such as Weedseers in Fabeltjesland (director: Cock Andreoli), On the Dutch tour (director: Harry Booth) and The debut (director: Nouchka van Brakel). In the mid seventies, Breebaart started working as a regional assistant. She contributed to productions like No Panic (Director: Ko Koedijk). In 1977 she completed this feature again at the feature film Flanagan, to Tim Krabbé's book.

In 1979 Breebaart was a producer in the VARA drama series Our good right, under the direction of Eimert Kruithof. Nine years later, she released her self-directed film Dorst, in which lead roles were presented to Gijs Scholten of Aschat and Sylvia Millecam. She writes the scenario for the film together with Rogier Proper. Two years later, Proper and Breebaart will work together again, this time for the soap Good Times, Bad Times. The experience of Breebaart only comes from the start of a new genre, soap. She started working as a production leader in 1991 and follows Remmelt Remmelts, who will work for the Office Kruislaan.

After more than a year, executive producer of GTST, Olga Madsen, indicates that she wants more rights to writing. Breebaart is appointed as executive producer of the series. In 1994, she puts a point behind her work with this soap. Her position is taken over by Johan Nijenhuis. After this, Breebaart is going to be the lead writer on the way to Tomorrow, together with Paul Jan Nelissen, Hans van Hulst and Bies van Ede. A year later, this writer team will be replaced. Breebaart is then closely involved in the launch of the Gold Coast soap series. Together with Remmelt Remmelts she shares the project leader. Breebaart leaves after one season and transfers her job to Cora van Amstel.

In 2001, she was closely involved in the launch of Rozengeur & amp; Vodka Lime. After four episodes, she transfers the function as executive producer to Gerd Jan van Dalen. Externe link
