Angelo Pitoni (Rieti, 1924 - Rieti, 2009) was an Italian explorer, writer, military and geologist. Biography modifies wikitesto
Angel Pitoni has been a geologist for FAO, a botanist and amateur agronomist, an emerald emerald finder, expert in lapis lazuli. Prior to being a geologist, Pitoni was a gold medal for resistance.
He was a friend of Don Zeno Saltini, the founder of Nomadelfia, decorated with the American Silver Star, a 20-year secret agent, explorer and adventurer in the jazz jungles at 23.
Among its discoveries are the Sky Stone, the Nomies and the Mali Dama. The Mali Dama is located in West Africa in Guinea on a 1,500-foot rock spur overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The figure was considered by scholars as the effect of wind erosion, but Snape suggested it was a sculpture made 20,000-35,000 years ago. The Dama represents a woman with a hat and looking down. High 150 meters, if it was realized today would represent a colossal work. Indigenous people tell the story of a woman who was converted to stone for killing her husband. Operemodifica wikitesto Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto