The Boer Fox, also known as: Boerenfoks, is a small, tall-legged terrier that looks very similar to the smooth-haired Fox Terrier and Jackrussell Terrier, which is not strange: under the unrecognized breed of Boerfox, a dog is believed to originate from a cross between the Fox Terrier and the (bark) Jackrussell Terrier (the Parson Russell Terrier). The term 'boerenfox' is commonly used for all kinds of intersections between small terrier species. A cross between a jackrussell terrier and a boerfox will usually result in a boerfox, while essentially a boerfox is from boerfox parents. Even from the original crossing of a foxterrier with a jackrussell terrier, no boerfox is born but a hybrid. Many farm foxes resemble the American raterrier, both used on farms to catch and kill rats and mice.
As a rule, the term "boerfox" is used, if not inadvertently, for:
The farmer's fox is not officially recognized as a dog breed, yet they clearly distinguish themselves from other breeds and crosses. The fur of the farmer's fur is usually white, black, brown-colored and smooth-haired. Farmer's foxes have a shear height of around 40 cm. The animals are known for their bright character, their perseverance and their vigilance. In addition to the fact that they are often very intelligent, they also have a dominant character, requiring consistent upbringing.
Farm animals are originally farmed dogs. They are perfect for mice and moles. Due to their great stamina, agility, playfulness and learning ability, farm oxen are also excellent for dog sports such as agility, flyball and disc dog, a game with a modified frisbee. Externe link