Brown rot (potato disease)

Brown rot is a disease in potatoes caused by Ralstonia solanacearum bacteria. In the Netherlands, brown rot is a quarantine disease. This means that it must be combated to prevent further establishment or expansion. One of the measures for this is the annual sampling by the Plantenziekenkundige Dienst in Wageningen of all parties.

Resistance to this disease is not available. Phytosanitary measures are the only way to prevent or dump the disease. These include the use of clean seed and a wide variety of crops. Since 2005, farmers in the Netherlands have no longer been able to sprinkle potato plants with surface water because of the bacteria in it.

Symptoms: Weed (The English name is Bacterial Wilt). When a freshly cut wilted stem is kept in a glass of water, a milky haze slowly descends from the stem. When a contaminated tuber is cut, small white drops emerge into the tuber's vascular tissue ring. If that is observed, it is advisable to contact the Plant Health Service in Wageningen. Externe link
