An energy carrier is meant to be someone who presides and leads a spiritual meeting. This is a meditation, satsang or yoga session. The energy carrier has the responsibility to present the right examples or exercises. Within a guided meditation, the energy carrier must be able to feel the group energy and build it further through meditation.
In many schools it takes years before someone is an energy carrier. One should have multiple features:
In many streams, with a ratio of 1 energy carrier, up to 12 participants work. If there are many more participants, there are also several energy carriers that position a pyramid-shaped structure. For example, there are 120 participants, there are 11 energy carriers, 10 each monitoring 12 participants and 1 monitoring the 10 energy carriers. In transcendent meditation (TM), meditation meetings are given with sometimes thousands of participants. Calculating how many energy carriers are needed and where they are going to take place.