Goku (The Monkey)

Goku, pronounced Gokò in the Italian version, is an imaginary character starred in the animated series The Monkey: The Great Adventures of Goku. This character, created by Osamu Tezuka, looks like a young and small monkey, despite its force and cunning; and is the counterpart of Sun Wukong, protagonist of the famous Chinese novel Journey to the West. It is dubbed by Kazuko Ute in the original version and by Annarosa Garatti in the Italian version. Initially, The Monkey is the head of a band of monkey monkeys and behaves in a displeasing and very arrogant way, but over time it will become good and generous. His job is to accompany the revered Sanso (inspired by Sanzang) in India, a land in the West, to take ancient manuscripts. Gokò is accompanied by Hakkai (inspired by Zhu Wuneng), an always hungry pig, old Sagoyo treasure hunter (watermelon Sha Wujing parody) and Tazuko, a fairy with the appearance of a little girl who seems weak for him , as it saves it in every case from the dangers. In addition to incredible powers and high strength, the character possesses a stick able to stretch infinitely, and can fly with a golden cloud.

Gokò is considered Dragon Ball's Son Goku ancestor.
