
Nekton is a collective name for all organisms that can actively move in the water column, regardless of current currents. This is in contrast to plankton, which depends on the flow of water for the displacement. Both species of organisms occur in the pelagic zone of the ocean. Oceanisch nekton The polar bear also belongs to the necton

Oceanic necton consists of different vertebrate animals; bonefish, sharks, rye, marine mammals, reptiles and birds. Among the invertebrates include the octopus to the necton. Fish can be divided into two groups:

Among other groups within the oceanic necton are marine mammals like the whales (Cetacea), seals and sea lions (Carnivora, Pinnipedia).

The reptiles that fall under the necton consist almost exclusively of turtles and sea hoses. The fossil report shows us that earlier, more than 65 million years ago, the waters were inhabited by many sea trophies such as ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurians and the Mosasauridae.

The birds should not fall under necton because they fly over the open ocean, but they feed themselves with food from the top layers of the water and can dive up to 100 meters. Because they also spend a part of their life in the water and thus also affect the cycle, they are included under the necton. Among the real birds belonging to the necton, the seagulls can not fly: the penguins.

In addition to oceanic necton, nekton occurs in the deep sea, in more coastal areas, in kelp forests and coral reefs.
