The Triad is a group of imaginary characters of the Witch Wizards. Stored by wikitesto
The triad is the conjunction of pure evil. It consists of 3 top-level demons who administer the world of demons.
In a way, you can define "The Power of the Trio" of evil, with some exceptions and differences. One of the differences from the Trio of the Good is that the members of the Triad are not fixed, in fact, when a component of the triad dies another enters it to take the place or, since it is entirely made up of demons capable of resurrecting, the missing member appears as a non-physical body.
The triad threatens the trio during the three season of the show by sending the top-level Beltazhor top threat as the main threat. Subsequently, after being destroyed by their own subject, the Triad reappears in season eight composed only of "spirit bodies" that maneuver Christy. Potentiate wikitesto
Being wholly composed of superior demons, the triad has the common materializing powers and energy spheres, and also the top sphere of fire (consisting of so many concentrated concentric circles) that shows how the triad is inferior to the source. In the eighth season, the triad has the ability to stop everyone's time.