Dubois (planetoid)

The plane of planetoid (206241) Dubois

(206241) Dubois is a planetoid, named in June 2009 by the Dutch doctor, palaeontologist and paleoanthropologist Eugène Dubois (1858-1940).

Dubois was the international founder of paleoanthropology as a subject and discovered the first fossils of human ancestor Homo erectus in 1891 on Java.

The planetoid was discovered by the Dutch amateur planeto hunter and professional archaeologist Marco Langbroek on archive recordings of the NEAT project taken in November 2002 with the 1.2 meter Schmidt telescope on Mt. Palomar in the USA. It is estimated to be about 2.4 km. The planetoid Dubois course is in the planetoid girdle between Mars and Jupiter jobs. Before she received the final number (206241) and dubbed Dubois, she was known as the 2002 WM28 preliminary. Features

Epoch 2455000.5 (2009-06-18):

The runtime around the sun is 5.52 years. Also see
