Javanese Boys

Javanese boys Tembaco (3/4) with rolled cigarette and ashtray.

Javanese Boys is a brand shag marketed in The Netherlands by Royal Theodorus Niemeyer BV, a part of British American Tobacco. variants

The best-known variant is Tembaco, also known as three-quarters because it is half-heavy (like Drum) and heavy shag (such as Brandaris) in the spit and gravity of the shags.

Qualifications like light or similar terms are no longer allowed, and the term three-quarters is no longer used.

In addition to Tembaco, Javanese Boys are also available in the variants: History

Javanese Boys is a brand of Theodorus Niemeijer BV, tobacco manufacturer in Groningen. The Niemeijer group is currently part of the Dutch branch of the global British American Tobacco Group. In the past, the present Indonesia was a colony of the Netherlands. In addition to various herbs and spices, tobacco was also an important product from Dutch India, as it was mentioned at the time.

The main island of both the colony and current Indonesia is Java. The species Javanese Boys are a blend of various types of tobacco; It's not the case that the tobacco is also from Java.
