Preceding Title of the Penal Code

The Preamble of the Criminal Code is the Belgian Law of 17 April 1878 on the Preamble of the Criminal Code (Belgian Official Gazette of 25 April 1878).

The law of April 17, 1878 contains the general or introductory part of the Penal Code.

In the Preamble Title of the Penal Code, provisions are made regarding:

The Dutch names 'Preamble to the Penal Code' and 'Penal Code' do not suggest anything. With the French names, that is different. The 'titre préliminaire du Code de procédure pénale and Code d'instruction criminelle are showing something. The preliminary title of the Criminal Code was actually intended as a first step towards a Code de procédure pénale which had to replace the Code d'instruction Criminals in the long term. The testers have continued to stumble. No further follow-up. Externe link
