Theo Foresight

Theo Voorzaat (Rotterdam, March 2, 1938) is a Dutch painter. His work is considered modernism.

Foresight is mainly autodidact. The subject of his paintings are buildings of the present, which are in decline and are placed in a future-looking world. Often, alienating elements return like big stone bulbs. Also, the images often have a special light drop, which gives a positive turn to the somewhat naughty image. Another part of his work consists of still life with worn out objects.

The paintings are painted with very high precision, making his work hyperrealistic. His work is usually seen in his regular gallery, Galerie Lieve Hemel in Amsterdam. The Marie Tak of Poortvliet Museum in Domburg had a major exhibition of work in 2007 and has been in his permanent collection since 2008.

Theo Voorzaat lives in Dreischor.
