
ThePalace is a visual chat world based on loose servers. You can wear your own avatars in this world, these are the pictures you choose or make to represent you in this chat world.

The servers are maintained and built by fanatic users, using The Palace's free server software.

This software was invented and developed by American Jim Bumgardner in the early 1990's. At that time he was employed by Time Warner Interactive, who liked the program and wanted to develop as an online casino. In 1995, the first public server online, "The Mansion", was a virtual villa full of rooms where you could experience everything. Play games, draw, watch animations and, of course, chat.

Users who paid for a license could download their own version of the mansion and use them on their PC. There they could then receive and chat with people. Later there were Linux / Unix variants that were also suitable for private use.

In 2001, the company that developed The Palace,, bankruptcy and users have kept the business up to now. The largest Palace site is currently A community portal that once started was by a group of volunteers to get all the Palace-related info together. This proved to be the perfect place for anyone to retrieve the thread after the disappearance of Externe link
