Frans Bengtsson

Frans G. Bengtsson

Frans Gunnar Bengtsson (Tossjö, now part of Ängelholm, October 4, 1894 - Ribbingsfors, Västergötland, December 19, 1954) was a Swedish writer, poet and biographer. Life and work

Bengtsson studied philosophy at Lund University and graduated in 1930. He debuted with a close bundle in 1923, but did not apply to literature literally after the thirties, partly after a long stay at the Skåne estate. Götaland, because of illness.

Bengtsson's work is erudited, written in an essayistic style, and often deals with historical subjects. His biography of the Swedish king Charles XII (Karl XII's life, 1932) is considered to be his magnum opus. The work describes, apart from King's life, the lives of simple contemporaries and is based on thorough study.

The best known novel of Bengtsson is the two-part Röde Orm (1941-1945, Dutch: Red Orm, 1955), an amusing, humorous written adventure novel about the life of the Vikings in Skåne in the tenth century, based on ancient Icelandic sagas. In the first part, a trip to Spain is taken, the second part describes the time of Christmas and the search for a suspected treasure, deep in Russia. The novel appeared in March 2014 under the title The Long Ships: Adventures of a Viking called Red Orm in Dutch translation. Trivia
