Lud's Stone

Lud's Stone is a vertical stone in the parish of Bower in Caithness in the Scottish Highlands, about 6 miles south of Castletown.

The stone would be the stone of Ljot, Earl of Norman Orcs (X century). About three meters from the ground level, it looks higher than the Normans used. It is one of the most impressive stones of Caithness. By mass and size it is comparable to those of the Brodgar Ring in the Orcads. A second stone lies on the ground about 30 m away. When it was erected, it is supposed to be behind the first looking from the direction of sunset to the summer solstice.

The name of Ljot is very similar to Lot or Loth, the mythical king of Orkney and Lothian in Arthurian legends. Charles Squire identifies Lot with British god who in Welsh mythology is known as Lludd Llaw Eraint.
