Neel Kashkari

Neel Kashkari

Neel Kashkari (Akron, Ohio), July 30, 1973) is a US engineer, top secretary and politician.

Kashkari was appointed by the US Finance Minister Henry Paulson as interim head of the Department of Financial Stability (a kind of Assistant State Secretary) on October 6, 2008, managing the 700 billion budget dollar released with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act to save the US banking sector. He is also called the $ 700 billion guy. Due to his age and his relatively limited experience in the banking and government sector, his appointment is criticized. Background

The parents of Neel Kashkari, Chaman and Sheila Kashkari, are Hindus from the Indian state Kashmir emigrated from economic motives to Ohio in the United States. Neel Kashkari grew up in Stow (Ohio) and visited the Stow-Munroe Falls School and the Western Reserve Academy in Hudson (Ohio). Afterwards, he graduated from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in 1991, to which he obtained a bachelor and master in engineering. His first work experience as an engineer was at TRW, nowadays Northrop Grumman Space Development, where he collaborated, among other things, with the NASA project of the James Webb Space Telescope. In June 2000 he left the firm and began an MBA at the Wharton School. Experience in the financial sector

With his MBA on bag, he was recruited in 2002 at the San Francisco branch of Goldman, Sachs & amp; Co, where he received a number of Silicon Valley customers as a customer. In July 2006, he became the first advisor, two years later, in the summer of 2008, Secretary of State with Minister Paulson, whom he still knew from the time he worked for Goldman and Paulson was there as CEO.
