Jan Cockx

Jan Cockx (Boechout, 1891 - Boechout, August 26, 1976) was a Belgian painter and ceramist. He begins as a painter, whose early work is influenced by fauvism. He uses exuberant colors and likes large faces. biography

During the First World War he has to interrupt his studies at the Antwerp Academy and deviates into the Diest region. He goes beyond the cube-abstract direction. He joins various art circles such as Modern Art, Ca Ira and Doe Still.

He exhibited among others in Paris (1920), Antwerp (1922) and Geneva (1923).

From 1924 he takes on avant-garde ceramics and becomes the first independent ceramicist of Flanders.

During the Second World War, he works for the bread for the German organization Todt, which he greatly criticizes in art circles.

In 1950 Cockx returns to Boechout. He is a versatile artist and also manufactures lino and wood carvings, designs carpets and furniture and makes monumental murals.

On Saturday, August 28, 1976, he is found murdered in his home at Boechout. He appears to be shot at his table. He is then 85. This murder case was never elucidated.

The municipality of Boechout is linked to a biennial award for painting, awarded to artists under the age of thirty.
