Francesco Vinella (Monopoli, September 4, 1956) is an Italian sports executive. Carrieramodifica wikitesto

Start your career as secretary of the Football Association Monopoly, the sport club of your hometown (at the time in Serie C1).

Then he entered the company of Bari on October 15, 1984, with the beginning of the chairmanship of Vincenzo Matarrese and was appointed as the administrative manager of the Sports Association Bari S.p.A.

On February 7, 2012, the shareholders' meeting accepted the resignation of Claudio Garzelli, who returned to the post of chief executive and appointed on second call on the same day, Vinella's sole administrator.

The choice relies on an interpersonal figure, not belonging to the Matarrese family.

Decade as the sole administrator of the Bari Sports Association on March 10, 2014, due to the failure of this. He himself delegates the sending to the court of Bari of the accounting books of the white-collar company. Notemodify wikitesto
