National Council of Hungarian Women

The Hungarian Hungarian Women's Council (Hungarian: Magyar Nok Orszagos Szovetsege, MNOT) is a Hungarian women's movement.

The MNOT was founded by the Communist Government of Hungary in 1970 to replace the Democratic Federation of Hungarian Women (MNDSZ) founded in 1946. The purpose of the MNOT was to facilitate the promotion of women and women's emancipation to work outdoors and thus to build a socialist society. However, the MNOT's main task was to indoctrine its members with Marxism leninism.

The chairman of the MNOT was also a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (MSZMP).

In 1989, the MNOT was detached from the Communist Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP) and since then, the women's movement MNOT has been an independent course. However, after 1989, she lost the monopoly as Hungary's only women's movement and many other women's movements in Hungary were formed.
