Marcos sucks

Marcos sucks

Maria Imelda Josefa Marcos (Mandaluyong, November 12, 1955), better known as Imee Marcos, is a Filipino politician. Imee is the oldest daughter of former president Ferdinand Marcos and Imelda Marcos and a sister of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. biography

Maria Imelda Marcos was born on November 12, 1955, in Mandaluyong, a city in Metro Manila. She was the first child of Imelda Marcos and President Ferdinand Marcos. She has a younger brother Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who also became a politician and two younger sisters, Irene Marcos and the adopted Aimee Marcos.

Imee Marcos was elected in 1998 as a member of the Philippine House of Deputies on behalf of Ilocos Norte's 2nd constituency. After three terms as a deputy, in 2007, she was elected as Governor of Ilocos Norte as successor to her brother Ferdinand Marcos Jr.. However, she decided to withdraw from politics for a while. Her cousin Michael Marcos Keon was chosen for her successor that year. Three years later, however, in the 2010 elections, she did join Marcos Keon with a big margin. At the 2013 elections, she was re-elected without adversary.

Imee Marcos married secretly in the United States in 1981 with businessman and former basketball coach Tommy Manotoc. In 1999 the set went apart. Together they received three children, including Borgy Manotoc's model.
