

A p-braan is an understanding of theoretical physics, especially from super gravitation. A p-braan is a spatially extended object with a specific mass and load, and becomes -net like most of the objects being studied in theoretical physics studied solely on the basis of the mathematical properties of the object. Whether p-bricks really exist depends on whether supergravitation is a correct expansion of physics, and thus closely correlates with the question of supersymmetry. This question could (according to some physicists) be answered by experiments in the new particle accelerator in CERN, the Large Hadron Collider. Technical information

A p-braan is a solution of the field comparisons of the supergravitational theory in question, and describes a solid, charged object, with spatial dimension p, embedded in a particular background space. Like a black hole, a p-braan has a horizon in which matter can disappear but can not escape. Research into the properties of p-branes revealed the existence of D-bricks in the theory of snails. These give a microscopic image of a p-braan, namely the source of geometry around a p-braan. The relationship between p- and D-taps is very analogous to the relationship between electrically charged objects and electrons / protons. The first are macroscopic objects, with measurable charge, etc., while the second are the microscopic objects, which give rise to numerous present-day macroscopic objects. More precisely, D-brons are the solitonic objects that must be added as separate objects to the perturbative description of snail theory. Also see
