
Overview of the 12 most important meridians

The gall bladder meridian (Zu Shao Yang) is one of the 12 major meridians in traditional Chinese medicine.

The meridian runs on both sides of the body. It starts at the outside of the eye corners and walks to and around the ear, cycles a few times over the back to the forehead, through that shoulder to the side of the chest. Then it goes to the side of the trunk to the hip, side upper leg, knee, lower leg, ankle and ends at the fourth toe at the nail edge. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this meridian is a yang meridian and belongs to the element wood. Between 23:00 and 01:00 this energy would be the most active.

At the gallbladder meridian are 44 points used in acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology. These would affect side-body complaints, bitter taste and sciatica.
