Dream time

Image of the rainbow snake, which often plays a part in the stories about the dream time

Dreamtime, also known as Tjukurpa, is the mythology of the Australian Aborigines. It's not really a time of creation, but more time of ordering. In this, the contemporary landscape plays an important role. Key points in the landscape perform important functions in mythology.

For the Aboriginals, the landscape is a kind of bible. There are all kinds of important events from the dream time of reading. One of the most important locations is Uluṟu (formerly called Ayers Rock). Thus, several tears in this rock, according to the Aboriginal remains, are a major battle between two mythological beings. And in some overhangs and caves, the ghosts of ancient times are still hidden, and so from other specific caves, they are thought to be dug by mythological moles. Of course, this does not apply to Aboriginals who lived on the other side of Australia, as they probably never heard of Uluṟu, but it's a good example.

There is a strict separation between men and women in key areas in the area, which is strictly maintained. There are certain sections of, for example, Uluṟu who are especially about women's business, and the men can not come there and vice versa. Today, non-Aborigines are not discussed in detail about the rituals and historical events around the Tjukurpa.

The Aboriginals strongly believe that the ancestors' spirits are still present on earth. The souls of the deceased blow into the new generation. Each spirit remains close to the place where he died. So that's the supposed power of power is the strongest. Many spirits stick around important places, making them even more holy.
