Vichingo (mythology)

Viking is, in Norse mythology, the name of the son of Vífil and Eimyrja in the Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar. Viking is also the father of Thorsten and Thorer. Stored by wikitesto

The two daughters of Logi (Haloge) were slain by the claimants of the nearby islands. Viking was the son of one of them. He was born in Bornholm. When she was fifteen, she was the greatest and strongest man of the time. His Angurvadel magic sword was also fatal to giants. Halfdán was his friend. His magic drakkar was called Ellida, the first ship of the North, donated by Ægir. The ship was as big as a fortress, but faster than an eagle. It was not held together by nails, but rather the pieces of wood had grown together.

Hunvor, a Swedish princess, asked for his help against a giant suicide who sucked her. The giant fled to India with her. Viking killed the giant during a holmgang (duel) but could not marry her because at times it was thought she was unlucky to get married before the age of twenty. The Giant's relatives, who practiced magic, followed him by shaking him out against the dangers of the sea.

She settled in Sweden. Halfdan married Ingeborg, Hunvor's servant. Viking had nine children from a second wife. He fought with his old enemy, Njorfe, king of Uppland, Norway, who in turn had nine children. The two groups of children were in open competition. In a violent game with the ball, they hit and muted each other, splitting each other's arms. A Viking boy, near death, killed a son of Njorfe. Vichingo scolded his son and sent him to an island of Lake Werner. Two other children went with him, including the firstborn Thorsten (or Thorstein). Vichingo gave Angurvadel to Thorsten telling him to wait on the island until the waters had calmed down. The sons of Njorfe wanted revenge. They used the magic to cool the lake and crossed it to attack the three Viking children. Two of the children survived: Thorsten and Thorer. Two of the sons of Njorfe survived, including the firstborn Jokul, a magician. The sons of Njorfe used the magic to find that Thorsten and Thorer were still alive. Viking sent them to Halfdan Court to keep them safe.

The son of Viking Thorsten and his grandson Frithiof inherited Angurvadel and Ellida. Notemodify wikitesto Links externalize the wikitesto
