Giambattista Lolli (Nonantola, 1698 - June 4, 1769) was an Italian chess player.

Known especially as a theoretician, he formed with the friends of Modena, Ercole Del Rio and Domenico Lorenzo Ponziani, the trio known as the Masters of Modena.

In 1763 he published in Bologna theoretical practical observations over the chess game, a volume of 632 pages. The book contained analysis of the Flat Game Matches, the Defense of the Two Horses and the King's Keeper, with over 100 charts of finishing positions. Lolli Gambetto

He proposed a continuation of the King's Leg (Lolli Leg) which has been proved incorrect: 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Cf3 g5 4. Ac4 g4 5. Axf7 +

It is established that after 5. ... Rxf7 6. Ce5 + Re8 7. Dxg4 Cf6 8. Dxf4 d6 black remains in the lead.

One of the book's positions (Torre and Alfiere contro Torre) was used by Guglielmo Heinse in his novel Anastasia and the chess game (Anastasia und das Scachspiels, Briefe aus Italien, Frankfurt, 1803). Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto Links externalize the wikitesto
