Saint Januarius shows his relics, Louis Finson, about 1611
Januari of Benevento (died 304, Pozzuoli) was probably the first bishop of Benevento in Campania. He was killed by Diocletian during the Christian prosecution. There is a Januarius, who was beheaded with five other Christians in the year 305. According to Catholics he is a martyr. His memory is celebrated on September 19th.
Ten centuries after January's violent death, his remains were transferred to Naples. Due to its addition to the catacombs in the present-day Neapolitan district, Capodimonte was named Janarius Catacombs. Hereafter also the holy Quodvultdeus was added. Since the 17th century, Januarius is in the stupid of Naples, of which he is patron saint. Twice a year there is the "blood wreath" of Saint Januarius.
The grainy, ancient blood becomes liquid again in the presence of the Archbishop of Naples in two sealed and sealed vials in the hands of a priest. When this happens, Naples is enjoying great joy, but losing the superstitious inhabitants expect disasters.
The Order of St. Januarius, set in 1738, reminds of the holy and the miracle.