the 'cow-foot' side view koevoet koevoeten, iron and wood, late 18th century
A fox or crushing iron is an elongate tool used to crush business.
The one end of the tool (called the foot) extends into a split, similar to the cow's leg. It is for this reason that the tool tool is called koevoet. Use
The tool works by applying the lever technique; The foot is placed between two things, after which force is applied to the other end of the tool to remove the two things or create an opening.
Another use is to lighten and move with small pieces of heavy loads, especially in the absence of modern mechanical tools before the industrial revolution.
With the split part, nails and screws can be pulled out like a claw hammer. Fame
The crowd has gained a reputation as an instrument for breaking down. Frequently, thieves are presented caricaturally with a bag (to stop the boot) and a cowboy in the hand. Sources