The bird is a creek and nature reserve in East Zeeland-Flanders, located between Hengstdijk and Lamsvalue. History
Originally, this was a west-eastern side-side of Saxhaven, called Saxvliet, which was the predecessor of Hellegat, and today the geothermal area called Old Haven is over. To the east, De Vogel crossed into the Ingewordinghe, which went through to the now-lost village of Namur.
As early as 1273, the Vogelkreek was demolished by the monks of the Boudelo Abbey. Thus the Vogelpolder originated. In the inundations that occurred around 1585, the Vogelpolder also disappeared underwater, although the dikes have probably suffered little.
In 1615 the bird was recycled, to which two dams were laid. The western dam lay near the Vogelfort, just west of Hengstdijk, and the eastern lag near Roverberg, in the extension of the Kruisstraat, which ran through the Kruispolder. As early as 1646 there was a bridge over the creek rest near Kuitaart. Since that time, one has spoken of the Westvogel poolder (322 ha), west of Kuitaart, which is described in this lemma, and the East bird pole. The Westvogelpolder consists for the most part of water, and that is the current creek. Nature reserve
The bird is in the hands of private individuals. The creek is mostly known as a fishing area and many fisherman's houses are found along the banks of the river. In 1971, Hengstdijk also created a recreation area called "De Vogel", with bungalows and the like.
The banks of the creek are different in nature. On the north bank, calving took place while south-west slipping occurred, with the ground level rising 70 cm. About 1985 the rare crawling marshmallow was found. The species disappeared again when the cattle grazing ceased, but after commencing mowing by volunteers in 1993, the species came back and is now found both on the north and on the south bank. The flat bies are also found here. Remarkably, both extremely rare plants grow in places that are still quite common.
Other special types are: milk herb, soot herb, slender waterbies and marshmallow grass.
In 2001, the 15.3 ha area of Vogel-Zuid was transformed into new nature. This is an area that is reclaimed by a bend in the Vogeldijk, south of the creek. Externe link