Barbara Palmer

Barbara Palmer, door Peter Lely

Barbara Palmer (1640 - October 9, 1709) was 1st Duchess of Cleveland and one of England's King Charles II miners.

She was born as Barbara Villiers, daughter of the Count of Grandiston, William Villiers. He died of a wound in 1643, leaving his wife and child in a difficult situation. Her lack of money significantly limits Barbara's marriage prospects; On April 14, 1659, Roger Palmer married the Villiers family's sentence, but three years later he asked divorce. One does not think that any of the children Barbara had during that period had Roger Palmer as a father.

In 1660 Palmer became a lover of Charles II, the king of England in exile. As a reward for her merits, Barbara's husband became exalted to Baron of Limerick and Count of Castlemaine in 1661. Both King Adviser, Edward Hyde, Queen Catharina of Braganza, Appointed to Palmers as Queen of the Queen, but in the years followed Barbara and Karel were alienated from each other. In 1663, she attempted to bind her again by turning to Catholicism. After the death of her ex-husband in 1705, she married a soldier robbed her of her remaining fortune and then disappeared. Palmer died of an edema in 1709. Palmers children

Five of Palmer's six children were recognized by Karel as his one: Also see
