Jan Poot

Jan Poot (1879 - 23 February 1942) was a Flemish playwright and director of the Royal Flemish Theater in Brussels. He is the father of Baron Marcel Poot. Director at the Royal Flemish Theater

Poot became director of the Royal Flemish Theater in Brussels in 1920. He continued to his unexpected death in 1942. He directed, among other things, the family of Paemel of Cyriel Buysse and Wilde Lea from Nestor de Tière, alongside other Flemish pieces of, among others, Gaston Martens, Jaak Ballings, Gerard Walschap, Herman Teirlinck who he was well-acquainted with) and van Poot himself. A repertoire that mainly claims Flemish intellectuals.

He mainly played expressionist pieces, alongside pieces of leading Dutch, such as Louis Bouwmeester and Edward Verkade.

The director of Poot was not an unprecedented passage in the history of the KVS. He had many opponents, especially Flemish nationalists. He also had to deal with the German occupation of the KVS. His directorship, however, meant light intellectualization.

He was succeeded by Louis de Bruyn.
