Theatercorso Sint Jansklooster

The Theatercorso in Saint John's Cloister is an annual flower corso every third Friday in August. History

The corso started, like many corsos, on the occasion of the birthday of Queen Wilhelmina, as an allegory parade with farm cars and cherished people. In 1968, the use of flowers (dahlias) was an idea of ​​the corso of Lichtenvoorde, and the procession evolved from allegorical procession to a flower corso. Today only one allegorical car takes part in the parade.

In 1980, steel structures were used for the first time, which increased the size of the cars. Later the designers entered their entry. In 1987 an important innovation took place with the introduction of self-propelled shelters. The cars could drive through the streets without the need for a tractor or car.

The use of figuration and theater on the cars also increased. Theater (the survival of the corso designs using drama, sound and music, movement, smoke and the like) became so important that Sint Jansklooster presents itself as a theater corso from around 2000.

As with most other corsos in the Netherlands, the theater corso of Saint John's Cloister is a social phenomenon involving the whole village. Externe link
