Because love sometimes scares you

Because love is sometimes frightened by Guillaume Musso's 2009 novel, published in Italy by Sperling & Kupfer. Tramamodifies wikitesto

San Francisco, estate 1995. Gabrielle is twenty years old and attends the third year of college in Berkeley. Martin has just graduated in law at the Sorbonne, and is on vacation in the United States. They love, with the intensity of the first time, when they are still believed. It's like living a big dream, dull of happiness but also of fear. Fear of suffering. Because Martin has to go home, in Paris. He can no longer postpone, as he once did, surrendering to the irresistible appeal of that Rest still whispered in the sobs by Gabrielle. So reality, in the end, has the best. And it's brutal, and it hurts. Paris, September 1995. The sky is black, it's already autumn here. Martin has just landed and suddenly hates his country, because he is not Gabrielle's. For the first time she realizes she will not sleep with her tonight. Then call them right away. And he writes to you. At that time the Internet was not there yet, and a love letter took ten days to get overseas. So when it was written I love you, you had to wait three weeks for the answer. And at twenty, waiting three weeks is inhuman. Gradually, Gabrielle's letters become more and more rare until they arrive. Christmas is approaching, and Martin writes to her one last letter, accompanied by an air ticket dated 24 December. Manhattan, 24 December 1995. It will come, Martin is sure. It will come. She waits for 14 hours. But in the end he surrenders: he has focused everything, and has lost everything. Not only love, even hope, on a Christmas night, in the cold of a bar. San Francisco, to our day. Martin became a famous cop. The disappointment of so many years before has made it hard, closed in a deep solitude, the one born of pain. It has a single reason for life: capture Archibald McLean, perhaps the most sought-after thief of artwork ever existed. It is an obsession now. That's why he came back to a city he swore he never saw again. Notemodify wikitesto
