
Dagpo is a region in Tibet, located in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. Originated southeast of U, Kongpo and Lhasa.

The history of Dagpo is described in the Blue Annals, among other things, and is of great significance to the kagyu tradition in Tibetan Buddhism. Through the Blue Annals, Dagpo is described because of the many Tibetan monasteries and regionally famous practitioners.

The thirteenth dalai lama Thubten Gyatso was born in Dagpo. Gampopa

Next to the lotawa Gö became Gampopa dedicated in Dakpo by Shepalingpa (shab pa gling pa), the founder of the Shepaling monastery. This is the first monastery mentioned in relation to Dagpo in the Blue Annals.

After his dedication, the young Gampopa traveled to Lager Dagpo, where he learned the Cycle of Samvara from the master Maryul Landenen (mar yul blo ldan) and the accompanying text, the Rinchen Gyendrukma (rin chen rgyan drug mother). All this happened before Gampopa had also heard of Milarepa. Add coordinates to this article
