
Gandhari is a queen of the Indian epic de Mahabharata. She is the daughter of Subala, King of Gandhara (the current Kandahar). Her name is derived from this (pronounced: Gándhari). Gandhari was married to Dhritarashtra, the oldest prince of the kingdom of Kuru (north of present-day Delhi).

Her husband, Dhritarashtra, was born blind and when she reached her ears just before their marriage, she blinded herself. She remained blindfolded for as long as their marriage lasted.

Dhritarashtra and Gandhari received one hundred sons and one daughter. The sons are jointly known as the Kauravas. Their daughter Dushala married Jayadratha. The two best-known sons in the epic are Duryodhan and Dushasan. All the sons came to battle with their five cousins ​​(the Pandava).

After that, Dhritarashtra and Gandhari entered their Himalaya Kunti with their sister in a hurry.
