Louis Paul Boon's Phenomenal Feminine Song is a collection of 22,400 pictures that show nude girls and women. The pictures are usually erotic.

The images were collected by Boon himself and cataloged according to his own criteria from 1954 until his death in 1979. Although there are no signs that Boon himself intended to publish the collection, he did mention the structure of his collection in the magazines Randstand (in 1961) and Partner (in 1969-1970) and in the newspaper Vooruit. In this paper he described his statues of famous women and starlets of the time like European Queen and Cardinal Crowns.

In 2004, Meulenhoff / Manteau published a selection of the Phenomenal Feminalek, along with the Boon-based catalog that indicates the format of the images and the texts of the European Queen's Crowns. His collection came again in 2008 when a planned exhibition in the Antwerp PhotoMuseum was banned by the competent deputy of the county council of Antwerp. The reason for this was that the artistic content of the collection would be undervalued.
