Paul Snider

Paul Leslie Snider (Vancouver, April 15, 1951 - Los Angeles, August 14, 1980) was a Canadian photographer.

She's best known for being the husband of Dorothy Stratten, Playboy model, who was killed in August 1980. Biography modifies wikitesto

Born in Canada, Snider joins young people in the entertainment world. He is smart and intelligent, produces shows in Vancouver and promotes dancers in the nightclub circuit of the same city. She knows Dorothy Stratten in 1977 and becomes her manager, starting her career as a model and actress.

Nelly, Dorothy's mother, hates this relationship, not trusting Snider, but the two marry June 1, 1979 in Las Vegas, though their marriage does not last long. Dorothy soon falls in love with director Peter Bogdanovich, and Paul, a jealous crowd, kills her on August 14, 1980, suicide immediately afterwards. He was buried at the New Westminster Schara Tzedeck Cemetery near Vancouver. Notemodify wikitesto Links externalize the wikitesto
