Bassopian of Northern Siberia

The Bassopian of Northern Siberia (in Russian Северо-Сибирская низменность, Severo-Sibirskaja nizmennost '), also known as the Tajikistan Bassopiano (Таймырская низменность, Tajmyrskaja nizmennost') is a vast (about half a million square kilometers) flat region extended in the extreme north of Central Siberia, administratively divided between the Krasnojarsk and Sacha Autonomous Republic.

It is a low and marshy area between the Byrranga mountains to the north and the plateaus of Putorana and Anabar to the south; the western and eastern borders are respectively defined by the mouth of the Enisej and the Olenëk River. The spatial dimensions are significant: approximately 1,500 km of parallel extension, 200 to 400 according to the meridians.

The area is covered by numerous rivers (Olenëk, Pjasina, Dudypta, Tajmyra, Cheta, Chatanga, Bol'shaja Balachnja, Kotuj, Anabar, Uėle); the climate is harsh, with average January temperatures down to -30 ° C in the west and -35 / -37 ° C in the east and mid-summer of some degrees above zero. As a result, human presence is totally negligible and tundra is the most widespread vegetal form. Links externalize the wikitesto
