Charles Urbanus sr.

Charles Pierre Urbanus sr. (Rotterdam, June 27, 1914 - Utrecht, August 6, 1980) was a Dutch baseball player.

Urbanus spent years working for OVVO from Amsterdam, which he achieved six times the national championship. He also played for the Dutch baseball team for twelve years. After a coach at the American Springfield College, he was nineteen years of baseball coach, from 1966 to 1976 coach of the Dutch baseball team. He was uncle of the same-named baseball player Charles Urbanus Jr. who was the son of his youngest brother Han Urbanus, also a baseball player. On May 3, 1984 he was included in the Hall of Fame of the KNBSB. As a tribute, the HCAW association organizes the main race season annually for the Charles Urbanus tournament, which includes six major teams.
