Joseph Bamina

Joseph Bamina (1925-30 September 1965) was a Hutu politician from Burundi.

Joseph Bamina belonged to the UPRONA party. After independence in Burundi in 1962, he became Senator and later Senate president. On January 7, 1965, moderate Tutsi king Mambutswa IV of Burundi nominated Pierre Ngendendumwe, a Hutu, as prime minister. This led to severe commotion among radical Tutsi nationalists. On January 15, Ngendendumwe was killed.

On January 26, 1965, King Bamina appointed Prime Minister. In September 1965 there was a failed Hutu coup place. The army managed to suppress it and allowed all major Hutu parliamentarians, including Bamina, to execute on September 30. King Mambutswa fled to Switzerland, and the Tutsi Leopold Biha became prime minister.
