Or Crompvoets

Hay Crompvoets (Blerick, 1938 - there, October 8, 2009) was a deserving singer of Venlose carnival songs.

Between 1966 and 1998, he regularly performed songs from Frans Boermans and Thuur Luxembourg during the Jocus Leedjesaovend. Nine times the song he was singing was best named. He did the same on the Blerickse Songs Matinee several times.

Crompvoets was a long time member of De Kammeräödjes and often sang together with Wheel Vestjens. This collaboration resulted in a victory four times. In 1988 they won with Minse wie weej (people like us) and in 1989 with De Knapperikke (the knaerds) Limburgs Vastelaovesleedjes Konkoer. Also 1994 was won by Heej or Dao (here or there) and in 1997 again with. I have.

In addition, Crompvoets often played an important role in different editions of the Blerickse revue.

Crompvoets was also successful with sketches. In the 70's and 80's he was in Limburg stages with the act De Beerbrouwers.

Crompvoets was an active member of the Venlo carnival association Jocus for thirty years. He has been working for the Blerickse Carnival Association Wortelepin for many years. Although it is not common for someone to be honored from another "care area" (Crompvoets was a born and raised Blerickenaar), he received the highest distinction from this oldest carnival association in the Netherlands for his dedication to Jocus: Cômmandeur in the Order of the Netherlands Zwalm.
