Yellow spider dancer

The yellow spider dough (Ceropales maculata) is a spider dope that is a breeding parasite of the gray spider dough (Pompilus cinereus).

Spider dodders hunt for spiders after which they become paralyzed and used as food for the larvae. Spiders like the yellow spider dancer do not catch spiders themselves. The females are lurking on the female gray spinnendoder. As soon as it catches a spider, the spider diverts her and secretly puts an egg into the lungs of the spider, and goes away. The gray spinnendoder does not control anything and draws the parched spider to the holletje. However, the larva of the yellow spider dough comes earlier from the egg and begins to eat the spider. Once the egg of the gray spider dough is reached, the larva observes this and eats its competitor.

This way of development is similar to that of the cuckoo and cuckoo drum.
