
Capys is, according to Roman mythology, the seventh of the mythical king of India or King of Alba Longa. Again, he would be the son of Atys and Capeto's father, and he would reign over Alba Longa's throne for 28 years, probably from 965 BC. at 937 BC.

It was he, or another Capys (according to ancient mythology, also as Enea from Troy), to found the city of Capua (whose territory now corresponds to the common casertans of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, San Prisco and curti), rich and flourishing city of the plain of the bell, whose fate was decided during the Second Punic War when he decided to stand against Rome, alongside Annibale, which will lead to the loss of his independence.

In Greek mythology, Capys (Greek: Κάπυς) was the name attributed to other individuals:

According to Roman sources, in the Etruscan language the word "Capys" meant "sparrow" or "hawk" (or perhaps "eagle" or "vulture"). Notemodify wikitesto Voices correlateemodify wikitesto
