Marco Giunio Bruto (tribuno 83 a.C.)

Marco Giunio Bruto known by modern historians like Marco Giunio Bruto the old (... - ...) was a Roman politician lived in the 1st century BC. Biography modifies wikitesto

It was a tribune of the plebeians in the 83rd c. and deduced the Capua colony.

He was also the first husband of Servilia Cepione, from whom he was Marco Giunio Bruto, one of Giulio Cesare's assassins.

Followed by Marco Emilio Lepido, participated in the democratic revolt promoted by the latter in 77 aC and occupied with his troops the Gallia Cisalpina; besieged in Modena by Gneo Pompey, was forced to surrender and then killed at the command of the enemy leader. Notemodify wikitesto
